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The extreme conditions of the space environment—uninhabitable for humans—force Space Design choices aimed at creating safe and self-sufficient habitats.

Space is governed by different physical laws to those that support life on Earth. Keys challenges include the absence of atmosphere, extreme thermal fluctuations, solar radiation and frequent exposure to meteorite impacts.

Space Design’s mission is to protect humans from this hostile environment by designing protective shells that can take on different shapes and configurations.

Certain priorities are common to both lunar and Martian habitats. These include: territory monitoring, to identify the most favourable areas for settlement; logistical planning, to manage habitat construction in the most sustainable way; technology selection, identifying the most appropriate technologies for the environment and construction needs; construction systems and component integration, determining how to safely construct and position a habitat module in an extreme environment, while meeting requirements that support human adaptation and ensure a comfortable stay.

The main challenge for Space Design is to design a habitation system that can function as an autonomous organism, particularly in terms of non-renewable resources and logistical support. Such a system would consist of habitation modules and service units capable of producing energy, air, water and food, while fully recycling waste.

It will be essential to establish a complete and sustainable cycle for growing, preparing, consuming and preserving food. Equally important will be the development of local manufacturing capabilities for construction materials, structures and equipment, using 3D printing technology and indigenous materials such as regolith. This approach will minimise the amount of material transported from Earth, reducing both costs and logistical dependencies.